Money Talks

UM London

The cost of living isn’t only a financial crisis. It is a mental health crisis.

UK suicide prevention charity CALM (Campaign Against Living Miserably) has seen a 43% increase in calls to their helpline regarding financial difficulties impacting mental health. To fulfil their mission to stand together against feeling hopeless, and to show that life is always worth living, CALM teamed up with one of the largest financial services businesses, MoneySuperMarket, to increase visibility of the issue. Existing research shows us that there’s a strong link between money worries and mental health problems (including suicidality), yet no research focused on the current cost-of-living crisis impact on society. The idea of Money Talks was born. We set out to break the stigma through a first of its kind programme of research, events and campaigns, to start the important conversation regarding the relationship between money and mental health. Our research surfaced that 17 million adults in the UK, worry about money every single day. Yet they don't feel they can talk openly about financial difficulty for fear of being judged. Money Talks provided the forums for people to open up and receive advice, before it is too late.