Turning Predictable Into Paranoia: How The UK's Most Trusted Broadcaster Embraced Its Dark Side

Havas Media Network

This is a tale of how the BBC brought some allure back to the reality TV genre, weaponising its reputation as the UK’s most trusted broadcaster to catch audiences off guard and pull them into the shadowy world of The Traitors. We plunged audiences into a world of lies, betrayal, and paranoia; a guilty pleasure steeped in treachery.

The BBC faced a problem. The Traitors presented a huge opportunity to connect with the reality TV-loving under-35s who were watching competitor formats like Love Island. However, despite 1 in 2 having heard of the inaugural series, the majority had rejected it. They had grown tired of the reality TV genre more broadly, with a general view that it was increasingly predictable and formulaic. Having discovered the need to cut through and entice, we developed a media plan that played on paranoia. To lure these jaded under-35s, we delivered a campaign you wouldn’t expect from the BBC; we infiltrated their world, turning every corner into a stage for sinister and brooding communications.